


President Marie Blusiewicz
1st Vice President Lou Ruh
2nd Vice President Tom Moravec
Immediate Past President Clinton Wakefield
Recording Secretary Amber Blusiewicz
Asst Recording Secretary Rick Dinapoli
Membership Secretary Olivia Moyer
Assistant Membership Secretary Open
Treasurer Barbara Spilove
Assistant Treasurer Dave Cressman
Fire Police Commissioner Carroll Davis Jr
Chaplain Jean Sullivan
Asst Chaplain George Bailey
Trustee Sharon Brunner
Trustee Jerry Wagner
Trustee Rick DiNapoli
MC Firemen’s Assoc Delegate Open
PA FPA Delegate Open
Alt PA FPA Delegate Open
Member-at-Large (Appt by President) Open
Fire Police Commissioner Staff George Bailey (FP999-1)
Tom Moravec (FP999-2)
Jared Landis (FP999-3)
Jerry Wagner (FP999-4)

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